How to read your rabbit
Wondering why your rabbit seems anxious, why they’re sprinting everywhere, or why they’re tossing around their enrichment toys? We’re here to help! This is our (non-extensive!) guide to understanding your rabbit’s behaviours and body language. We’ll start with positive behaviours.
The Binky
This is one of the best behaviours to see! It is a clear sign that your rabbit is happy! A binky is when your rabbit jumps in the air and performs a twist. They are literally jumping for joy and cannot stay still, so they also might move around a lot alongside this binky. Sometimes, your rabbit might perform a ‘mini binky’ which might appear to be the start of a binky, but they don’t leave the ground, so their head performs the twist.
Ever fed your rabbit a particularly yummy treat, and noticed that their bottom twitches?! This is your rabbit expressing that the treat was super nice and they liked it.
This is when your rabbit follows you around and runs by your ankles, feet, or circles around your legs. This is a positive, as it is a sign your rabbit wants to be near you and is excited to be with you! If you are holding a treat, this can also be excitement for the treat.
Rabbits flop when they’re settling down to sleep. Sometimes they’ll throw themselves down onto the floor dramatically, but they’re just preparing to sleep. Plus, when a rabbit flops, they might display their tummy, which is a spot of vulnerability, so they are comfortable with you enough to sleep and be off their guard.
Soft nudging
Often a sign that your rabbit wants you to pet them or wants some attention!
Licking or kissing
Sometimes a rabbit might lick you as a display of affection or attempt to groom you. People often refer to it as bunny kisses, as it’s a sign your rabbit loves you!
Your rabbit might stand on their hind legs. This can be a way for rabbits to check out their surroundings if they are curious, however it can also be your rabbit trying to get a good view of a treat you might be holding!
This can sound a little like teeth grinding or chattering together. Your rabbit might make this noise while being pet, and it’s a clear sign they’re enjoying being stroked and fussed. If you put your hand on the top of their head, you might also feel vibration of the purring. Sometimes you have to listen really closely to hear this sound.
When rabbits throw their toys around, they are playing! This is an adorable behaviour to watch, as they will often chuck around toys with their mouth, flinging them around for fun!
Also called zoomies, this is when your rabbit races around the room (sometimes accompanied with binkies). It can show excitement, energy, and enthusiasm, particularly if they know breakfast is on the way to them!
A curious rabbit might seem tentative, and it could be when approaching a new object in their environment for example. They will slowly approach the object of interest with their ears a little forward, and often appear like they are tiptoeing. Their nose will be sniffing and twitching faster than normal to sniff out any new scents.
Once your rabbit is settled, this behaviour should ideally be their normal. Your rabbit will seem at ease and content with their surroundings. Their nose should be twitching at an average speed, and they should appear calm. It means they are comfortable in their environment and at peace.
We hope you found this guide of noticing positive rabbit behaviours helpful and spotted some behaviours displayed by your own rabbit/s!