Chili’s Story

Chili was dumped in Copperfield (SE Calgary) and picked up by a neighbour who spotted her hiding in some bushes.

She has strong opinions on how she likes her setup, and watching her move everything to her liking is very entertaining. She is also a very active rabbit and loves doing zoomies and binkies. Her new home will need a lot of space for her to cruise around. Chili was previously people-selective, with one tech getting Chili’s spicy side as she was reluctant to be handled; however a vet reported that Chili was the sweetest, most affectionate rabbit ever. Chili has vastly improved her people skills, and enjoyed meeting everyone at our June Fundraiser, including being unbothered by dogs! Chili is a sweetheart and is a treat to have in the home.

My perfect home will be able to give me lots of space or exercise time. I love to explore and zoom around. Some people make me nervous, so I hope my new family will meet me first and be patient as I learn that people aren't so bad afterall. I love lots of toys in my area so I can move everything around and decorate it as I see fit!

Chili’s fosters believe she is a great candidate for a free-roam bunny. She’s been perfect with litter training and has had no pee accidents or poop outside her potty area. She has not tried to chew or destroy any furniture. Chili’s fosters do not pick her up as to not lose her trust, but Chili loves snuggles and pets and melts into the floor when her fosters pet her. She also loves chinning everything she loves. Toys, your hand, veggies. Rabbits have scent glands on their chins and when they chin you, it’s a HUGE compliment.


Age: Estimated 1-2 years

Size: Medium

Colour: Dark brown

Intake Date: June 4th, 2023

Spayed/Neutered: Soon to be


Gus (August)

